All About Python Object-Oriented Programming

Nur Amin Sifat
8 min readJan 29, 2024

  • Class & Object.
  • Constructor.
  • Types Of Variables.
  • Types Of Methods.
  • Types of Inheritance.
  • Polymorphism.
  • Abstraction.

Class & Object

  • A class is blueprint of objects.
  • Object is real world entities like car, bird, mobile etc.
  • Object-Oriented Programming mainly helps us to create reusable code & reduce redundancy.
class Parrot:
obj = Parrot()

In above example, an object is instance of a class. Considering a class Parrot . Here Parrot is just definition of object no memory or storage is allocated when we define any class. The obj is object of Parrot, when initiate Parrot() only that time allocated memory by obj.

Class & Instance/Object attribute:

class Vehicle:
# class attribute
vehicle_count = 0
def __init__(self, name, model): = name
self.model = model
Vehicle.vehicle_count += 1

car1 = Vehicle('BMW', "BPX11")
car2 = Vehicle('Lamborghini', "MJL44")
# Access class attributes
print(f"BMW is a {car1.__class__.vehicle_count}")
print(f"Lamborghini is a {car2.__class__.vehicle_count}")
# Access instance attribute
print(f"Car name is {} & model is {car1.model}")
print(f"Car name is {} & model is {car2.model}")
BMW is a 2
Lamborghini is a 2
Car name is BMW & model is BPX11
Car name is Lamborghini & model is MJL44

In above code snippet, we defined a class Vehicle & some attributes which are consider characteristics of an object. We defined class level object vehicle_count & instance level object such as & self.model. vehicle_count is class level attribute & inside __init__ we defined instance level attributes. (Conventionally self is instance of object, explain it further section).

When initialize an object, automatically __init__ method call first. This is called Contructor, in below explain about that. We can access class attributes through __class__(special attribute) because all class level attributes are same for all instances. Let me explain above code, we created two instance car1 & car2, when we initialize two instances the vehicle_count incremented two times so result is 2, because we have already known that, when we initialize any object, firstly loaded __init__ part. So all instance will have same result. But in case of instance attribute different for every instance.


A constructor is a method that is called when object is created. This method called inside class and initialize basic variables. In above, we created two objects, so constructor call twice. Every class has constructor but no need to explicit declaration. In above code __init__ is a constructor & self keyword indicates instance itself. How works or load constructor:
Start -> Created Obj -> Call Class Object -> Return

# instance attribute
def __init__(self, name, model): = name
self.model = model

In the provided code snippet, we have a constructor method __init__ within a class. The __init__ method is a special method in Python classes, often referred to as the constructor. It is automatically called when an object of the class is created. The purpose of the constructor is to initialize the attributes of the object. Here, the constructor takes two parameters name and model, and it initializes two instance attributes, and self.model. These instance attributes store specific values for each instance of the class. For example, if we create an object like my_car = Car("Toyota", "Camry"), the name attribute of my_car will be set to Toyota and the model attribute will be set to Camry.

Python variables Types: Local & Global

There are two types of variable in python, one is Local & another is Global variables. The key difference between them depends on use cases. Global Variable declared outside the function and can be access & modify within any part of code & Local variable is declared inside function or class, can't be access or modify from outside of that function or class.

# Global variable
variable = 233
def local_var_func():
# local variable
variable = 566
print(f"Local variable: {variable}") #Local variable: 566
print(f"Global variable: {variable}") #Global variable: 233
Local variable: 566
Global variable: 233

Firstly declared variable = 233 is a global variable & inside function variable = 566 is local variable .

Type of methods

  • Instance Method
  • Class Method
  • Static Method

Before explain above concepts, we need to understand some basic stuff, below I explain these:
Accessor (getter): An accessor, also known as a getter method, it is used to retrieve the value of an instance variable.
Mutator (setter): A mutator, or setter method, is a method used to modify the value of an instance variable.

Instance Method:

This is a basic method, it is associate with instance of class. When we create method using self this method is called instance method. It takes self as a first parameter, representing the instance on which the method is called. Instance or class variable can be called by instance method.

class Vehicle:
class_var = "Mr Nas"

# instance attribute
def __init__(self, name, model): = name
self.model = model
def get_model(self):
return self.model

c1 = Vehicle('BM1', 'M33')
print(c1.get_model()) #M33

Here, & self.model is instance variable.

Class Method:

In Python, a class method is a method that is bound to the class and not the instance of the class. It is defined using the @classmethod decorator. Class methods take the class itself as their first parameter, conventionally named cls. Unlike instance methods, which take self as the first parameter, class methods do not have access to the instance-specific data, but they have access to the class-level attributes.

class Vehicle:
# class-level attribute
class_var = "Mr. Nas"

# instance-specific attribute
def __init__(self, name, model): = name
self.model = model
def info(cls):
cls.class_var = "Mr. Sifat"
return cls.class_var

print( # Output: Mr. Sifat
Mr. Sifat

In above code snippet class_var = "Mr. Nas" is a class-level attribute, using @classmethod we change this value to cls.class_var = "Mr. Sifat".

Static Method:

A static method is a method bound to the class and not the instance of the class. @staticmethod decorator define static method. Static method useful when you need a method that is not associate with class not instance.

class Vehicle:
# class-level attribute
class_var = "Mr. Nas"

# instance-specific attribute
def __init__(self, name, model): = name
self.model = model
def info():
return "This is static method"
print( # Output: This is static method
Output: This is static method

In above code example, we use @staticmethod for creating static method.

Type of inheritance

The inheritance is the process of acquiring the properties of one class to another class.

There are five types of inheritance:

Simple Inheritance:

  • This kind of inheritance child class derived from one parent class.
class ParentClass(object):
def feature_1(self):
print("Feature 1 is from ParentClass1")

# Simple Inheritance
class ChildClass(ParentClass):
def feature_3(self):
print("Feature 3 is from ChildClass")

Multiple Inheritance:

  • One child class derived from multiple parent classes.
class ParentClass1(object):
def feature_1(self):
print("Feature 1 is from ParentClass1")

class ParentClass2(object):
def feature_2(self):
print("Feature 2 is from ParentClass2")

# Multiple Inheritance
class ChildClass(ParentClass1, ParentClass2):
## do something here

In multiple inheritance can lead to the Diamond problem, where same methods or attribute can be present in multiple parent classes, in that case, the order in which the parent classes are inherited becomes crucial and the method regulation order (MRO) is used to determined which method to call.

class ParentClass1(object):
def feature_1(self):
print("Feature 1 is from ParentClass1")

class ParentClass2(object):
def feature_2(self):
print("Feature 2 is from ParentClass2")

# Multiple Inheritance
class ChildClass(ParentClass1, ParentClass2):
def call_features(self):
# Accessing features using super()
# Creating an instance of ChildClass
child_instance = ChildClass()
# Calling the method to see the MRO
# Checking the MRO
Feature 2 is from ParentClass2
Feature 1 is from ParentClass1
(<class '__main__.ChildClass'>, <class '__main__.ParentClass1'>, <class '__main__.ParentClass2'>, <class 'object'>)

Multi-level Inheritance:

  • The Child class derived from a class which is already derived from another class.
class ParentClass1(object):
def feature_1(self):
print("Feature 1 is from ParentClass1")

class ParentClass2(object):
def feature_2(self):
print("Feature 2 is from ParentClass2")

# This class derived from both ParentClass1 & ParentClass2.
class ChildClass1(ParentClass1, ParentClass2):
def feature_3(self):
print("Feature 3 is from ChildClass")
# Multi-level Inheritance
class ChildClass2(ChildClass1):

Hierarchical Inheritance:

  • Two or more child class is derived from one parent class.
class ParentClass1(object):
def feature_1(self):
print("Feature 1 is from ParentClass1")

class ChildClass1(ParentClass1):

class ChildClass2(ChildClass1):
  • Hybrid Inheritance
  • This is combination of all inheritance.


Polymorphism is concept which means multiple forms or more than one form. It enables using a single interface with input of different datatypes, class or may be for different number of input.


In above case, inside len() we can give string or numbers, it just gives us length of that value, this is one kind of polymorphic example.
Method overriding: This is important concept for polymorphism. In child class get some method from derived parent class, in that case child class change these methods its own requirement, this is called method overriding.

Let’s try to understand polymorphism by using proper example:

class Bus:
def start_engine_bus(self):
print("Bus Starting")

class Car:
def start_engine_car(self):
print("Car Starting")
b = Bus()
c = Car()

In above code snippet, we can see two classes Bus & Car. We defined a method each class & they do about same thing. But in that case we need to remember method name separately which is difficult to memorize. So what can we do, let's see:

class Bus:
def start_engine(self):
print("Bus Starting")

class Car:
def start_engine(self):
print("Car Starting")

b = Bus()
c = Car()
for item in [b, c]:

In that case I defined same method name, despite being different objects, but they work correctly, this is one kind of polymorphic solution. But we can do it better way:

class Vehicle(object):
def start_engine(self):
print("Vehicle star_engin")

class Bus(Vehicle):
def start_engine(self):
print("Bus Starting")

class Car(Vehicle):
def start_engine(self):
print("Car Starting")

obj_v = Vehicle()
obj_b = Bus()
obj_c = Car()
Vehicle start_engin
Vehicle start_engin
Car Starting

We derived Bus & Car from Vehicle and override parent class’s method on both of child classes.


Abstraction is one of the great feature of object-oriented programming. It just hides the background detail rather than expose whole functionality. For example, when we use smartphone and make call to communicate other person, we don’t need to understand how does it work? What mechanism does it use? A user is not required to know behind the engineering. This process basically known as data abstraction, when all unnecessary information keep hide from end user.

Now I give you some example for better understanding, I just copy last code example & and modify it:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

# Define an abstract class name Vehicle that inherit from ABC
class Vehicle(ABC):
def start_engine(self):

# Create concrete class Inherit from abstract Vehicle class
class Bus(Vehicle):
def start_engine(self):
print("Bus Starting...")

# Create another concrete class Inherit from abstract Vehicle class
class Car(Vehicle):
def start_engine(self):
print("Car Starting...")

obj_v = Vehicle()
obj_b = Bus()
obj_c = Car()
Vehicle start_engin
Vehicle start_engin
Car Starting

In above code create a Vechicle abstract class, inside this we just derived method, not exist any implementation here. Then we inherit this class into concrete class like Car & Bus. In Python, there hasn't any explicitly defined interface, but using abstract class we can get this flavour. Abstract is not an interface, because inside abstract class we create concrete methods, but in interface this is not possible.

In conclusion, object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python empowers developers to organize code efficiently, enhance code reusability, and promote a modular approach. Classes and objects encapsulate data and behavior, fostering a clearer understanding of the code structure. Inheritance facilitates code hierarchy, while polymorphism allows for flexible and dynamic behavior. By embracing OOP principles, developers can create scalable and maintainable systems, making it easier to adapt to evolving project requirements. Python's syntax and simplicity make it an excellent choice for implementing OOP concepts, contributing to the language's widespread popularity for diverse software development needs.



Nur Amin Sifat

I'm a Associate Software Engineer at Brain Station 23 and Data Security learner as well.