Future of web technology

Nur Amin Sifat
3 min readJan 29, 2023


Photo by Caio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/macbook-air-on-grey-wooden-table-67112/

We don’t know the future situation of anything but just predict something based on data. Because it is difficult to predict and say exactly where web technology will go in the future, but some indicators have said that it will massive change, what will these changes below we try to make understand whole pictures about future web applications:

Focus on mobile -

As more and more people use smartphones and tablets(it will increase more in future) to access the web, web developers will continue to focus on designing sites and apps that are optimized for mobile devices. Because many sites are not compatible with mobile phones yet.

Use of Massive artificial intelligence and machine learning technology -

As AI technology is growing, it is likely that more web applications will be developed that use AI to personalize the user experience, improve search results, and automate tasks. Already a huge number of web applications already adopt this technology and they are continuously growing.

Increase massively progressive web apps (PWA)

PWAs are web applications that can be installed on a user’s device and work offline, providing a more app-like experience. PWAs are becoming more popular because they can be developed and deployed quickly, and don’t require users to go through the app store approval process. Here some people might not understand the PWA concept. At first they asked a question: if we use web apps offline it will kill our device resources, so how will it be better than native apps?

PWAs are built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and can provide a similar user experience to native apps. As PWAs can be installed on a user’s device and work offline, provide push notifications, and have an icon on the home screen, all features that are similar to native apps. However, PWAs run inside a web browser, so they do not have direct access to the device’s hardware and system resources like a native app does.

So in terms of performance, it can be designed to work well on a wide range of devices and network conditions, and are generally considered to have good performance. However, PWAs may not have access to all the features of a device like a native app, and some features may not be available in some browsers. So it will not kill your system resources like native apps.

PWAs can be more memory-efficient compared to native apps as they don’t require to be installed on the device and they don’t require to run in background like native apps, they can run just when the user needs them. PWAs also can be updated directly through the browser without the need of going through an app store review process.

Overall, PWAs can provide a good user experience while being less resource-intensive than native apps, but they may have some limitations in terms of access to device features.

Increase use of web assembly

I think this is underrated technology, in the near future it will show its power. Web Assembly is designed to be a low-level assembly-like language with a compact binary format that runs with near-native performance and provides languages with low-level memory models such as C++ and Rust with the performance benefits of a native executable, while also allowing for high-level languages such as JavaScript to run alongside it. Its future looks very promising, as it is being increasingly used in web development. Many frameworks such as Unity, Unreal Engine, and Babylon.js have already started to support WebAssembly, which makes it possible to use 3D gaming on the web, and it is also being used for server-side web applications with technologies like WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) which allows running WebAssembly code outside the web.

Finally, It is hard to predict when certain updates will happen, but technology is advancing at a rapid pace, so it’s likely that there will be many updates and new developments in web technology in the coming years. Some of these updates may be completed before your lifetime, while others may not be.

Thank you for reading ❤️



Nur Amin Sifat

I'm a Associate Software Engineer at Brain Station 23 and Data Security learner as well.